We are integrating our Women’s Self Defense course into our Monday night Hapkido classes. This allows adult level students and instructors at Lee’s to experience our Women’s Self Defense program while we have many of our black belts and even Grandmaster level instructors there to assist. These will be available each quarter at a single price of $15/person cash or check. You can book your slot at this link: Just choose the Women’s Self Defense option, look for open Monday night slots on the calendar, pick the earliest one, fill your info, sign a participation/consent waiver, and pay the fee on class day. Trial Class Online Registration Link.
Our basic curriculum is below for download as well.
Additionally, depending on the response to this, we can either host a Women’s Self Defense class at Lee’s or we can bring the class to you. Prices vary based on participation, so please call or email for more details.
Free for everybody, however, is a basic Women’s Self Defense guide. This guide contains information, tips, and tricks on how to defend yourself and is a excellent starting point for both women and men. You can download the guide here:
PDF Version: Women’s Self-Defense Basics.pdf
Word Version: Women’s Self-Defense Basics.doc