A big thank you for all that have helped make this successful. Please continue to be vigilant and STAY HOME if you feel ill, think you may have be in contact, or are under contract tracing. For those that have stayed with us through the Live Streaming classes, we thank you for your support and dedication. Reserve your spot in class.
Little Tigers will be on indefinite break. For those Tigers that are 8 and older, you may come to the Beginners classes.
We intend to continue Live Streaming at least 3 classes a week as well for those that cannot attend yet. We offer enough classes and are a diverse in rank that we should be able to accommodate everyone.
To attend, please respond to the appropriate Kicksite Events you will receive each week in email form. You only need to respond to the classes times you want to attend. If you show, and we full, you will be asked to go home.
1. Class size is limited to 20 students for physical spacing requirements.
2. Students must attend their appropriate classes unless assisting in instruction. This was the intent all along but now with the space limitations, we need to adhere to it.
– Beginning students – white to blue – 510pm
– Advanced students – blue to black – 6pm
– Open classes are Wed at 5pm and Sat at 1200pm
3. Hand sanitizer at door for all that enter and exit to use.
4. Masks must be worn in the school. So, please bring and wear your clean mask.
5. Stay at home if you are sick or unsure if you are sick (we all know the COVID-19 symptoms by now). You can watch a Facebook class.
6. No physical contact and be aware of your space
7. Dressing rooms will be closed so come to class dressed
8. Water fountain will be closed, so bring your own water bottle
9. Lobby seating is limited, so please plan to drop off and pick up
10. We will sanitize equip if used.
11. We will also sanitize common touched are:
Door handles
Light switches
Sink toilet
Fridge handle
12. As always, be kind and respectful. This will be different and not perfect. Bear with us as we work out the logistics. Wash your hands thoroughly for 20 seconds with soap and water.
13. If you sneeze or cough, do so in your elbow or a tissue. Toss the tissue and wash or sanitize your hands.
Lee’s Staff